To be frank, i have not been too serious for my past semester,leading me to getting one of the lowest pointers in class. Luckily, i am so happy that i poured in 200 percent of my effort,and i got a gud exam grade equal to my coursemates,not to mention,they are,exceptionally clever and gud~~. I was very proud,as wan told me i got ok results.
So for the start of the new semester, my new aim would be getting a deanz list result. If better, i ll try to get 3.75 and above so that i can get a scholarship later on. I am aiming for MARA, and i tell you,MARA is one of the best scholarship that is offered in the country.
I called Udin last night ,had a long2 chat with him about life. Some things that annoy me are people who want to forget me,when i appear 4 a brief moment of time in their life but i didnt even speak to them(like,just being visible in Yahoo mesenger but didnt even messaged them), they made remarks on their online messaging tools, not directly to me, but just to show how much they hate me? I Really dont like stuff like, oh,i dont want to talk to you whatsoever and putting it on ur myspace or frenster or YM status, it gives a cowardly effect to me,in which i think,one day,will laser down on all of them, that, if you dont want to talk to me, its fine. I dont care,its your life,but your actions define that you want to exert authority on the person you hate by saying you hate them, in a way to make them say sorry and automatically,giving you a chance to say'no i dont forgive you'. Take a life la, i dont want to talk to you either, just remaining silent there is enough. We are just contacts,not friends. So,what? I didnt messaged you in the first place. Its you who put it in your frenste shoutout and ym status.
So now readers,do you see logic in my words? :) boo to to that certain individual..huhu