Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Overall Class Rep And sales

Today,i was again selected to be class rep by my coursemates. Damn,why not the 130 others but me? Huuuuhhhh, since almost every subject will be under my name, it would soon reach a stage where there would be me as the overall monitor lizard 4 evrything,huhu

My day today was interesting. It started to interest me in a way to compete with the best chinese in english in utp, and to think i lost 0.5 marks to him was good enough. well,to be frank,my essays contain no mistakes,and his essay was also,all too phenomenal. Its the first time in my life that i could not underestimate someone's essay,but only have a high sense of respect on his advanced use of language. And what's most important,its the first essay that was made equal with mine i suppose. We have no mistakes at all. Just his language was too good.

Today, i begin my debut in business by selling kebabs to my friends and juniors. I managed to enter YEC(young entrepeneurs club) and after a very difficult interview by the seniors themselves, i managed to go through and become a member. Our sales would include us selling items, managing events,and most importantly, to improve my soft skills.

Today, my soft skills were good enough that i managed to sell all my food in less than 30 minutes. Thank god, nice debut.huhuhuhuhu. proud~~


  1. wow!! respect3x
    two words appear in my mind, "you're famous!!"
    anyway congratz again
    about your english, i could only say "whoa"
    i seldomly score high marks for english
    last night kuchai sent me few messages and he told me about your kebab2 things
    haha you're not telling me about that don't you?
    it's okay later we share about it
    must be fun!! ^^

  2. the food in the above is the kebab, LOL,huhu
